MLM in this article stands for multi-level marketing. Other names are direct selling, network marketing and home-based franchising. The bad one is called pyramid, get-rich-quick, Ponzi, rat club, affinity fraud or snowball scheme. There is just a thin line between MLM and pyramid scheme. Pyramid scheme is often cultic (Confuse and Conquer) and puts active recruiters' reputation at stake. While the members lurk around for prey, they are victims themselves too (similar to vampire or zombie). If someone whose view you value tells you such 'business opportunity' you may want to join, it is better that you understand MLM first.
The reality of MLM (that they do not tell you)
The system encourages
a) recruitment of friends and relatives to consume products or
b) sale of products to friends and relatives, usually without them asking for it.The encouragement is done via frequent motivational meeting and seminar. The meeting is paid by every member attending it regardless of the MLM income amount. Such pep talk meetings plant the belief subconsciously. In layman term, you pay to be brainwashed / MLM-programmed.
Wealth and materialism is widely used in the propaganda. That is the only way they use to attract people although they tell you that it is not true. Instead they say people are attracted by their wonderful products. They show villas or yachts that belong to a few people on top of the system as if everybody can achieve that state. And there is a fleet of big expensive cars usually in same color maneuvering into the seminar location. Also people applaud and whistle (they want you to do the same thing too) when someone gives testimony of earning big in a very short period of time. I personally feel a little sick to see all these materialistic behaviors. If it sounds too good to be true, most probably it is not true. There is always a catch. It is just a fad to get you jacked up. Note that nothing will happen when you go home right after the temporary ecstasy in the seminar. When your friend in MLM is getting too hyped up, you should mildly remind him that his MLM company is not the best thing on earth. Even before this I tried to believe it from time to time due to the charismatic propaganda.
We cannot do MLM if we have clear mind. MLM can only be carried out with a certain degree of unconsciousness or even delusion, mainly due to the crowd psychological effect. Common sense things are briefly brought thru except some buzzwords. Have your MLM friends told you that their system looks like an INVERTED pyramid instead of a pyramid? Or EVERY company in the world is actually a pyramid? And Mr. Gates' company is already linked to MLM and in future EVERY business will be running MLM? MLM helps people stop working for OTHER people? And Mr. TRUMP will join MLM after he is broke? For me, Donald actually implies: (1) MLM is for people who are broke and have nothing to do. (2) He will not join MLM (him being broke = sunrise in the west). (3) He will own an MLM company instead to let you and others work for his company. By the way what makes him rich? I cannot remember it is MLM.
The income is from the lower levels of the system. From financial point of view I personally think that the company sees the payment to the people at high ranking as advertisement fee. Those hotshots are walking advertisement that attracts new downlines. There are a few members who are extolled by other members to be renowned VIPs (in business suit even on hot day) that non-members and new members will regretfully miss meeting with. In the meeting the upline wants you to wear smart, to be on time and to switch off the cellphone (he turns off his too). The upline will make notes on what the 'VIP' say. Then the upline brings you to that 'VIP'. After the meeting on the way home, the upline still continues to praise him or her. All these are to build up your feeling of respect so that you will take whatever that 'VIP' says. I consider this idolatry. For me, most of those VIPs are snobs.
The reasons MLM is used to sell product:
a) The product is often claimed to be unbelievably or mythically beneficial, for example cancer cure. Hyperbole. And it is overpriced. The product is probably good and sellable in open market but they can only sell it at market price in the open market. If they use MLM, their product can be sold at brainwashed price without price competition in open market. And they tell you their product is cheap because middleman is eliminated.
b) To save transport cost to distribute the products to the retail shops. In MLM, the members go pick up the products themselves.
c) To save cost of salary to hire people to do product service.
The mindset in consuming the products is different from the ordinary one. There is a motive when consuming the products: so that you can influence others to consume the products too. With motive coming in, colleagues become prospects and the workplace becomes a market. Even friendliness has hidden agenda that can make a nerd become a social animal. Anyway they will not spend time on a friend who is not a prospect to the point that they may counter ask "Will you join me if I answer all your questions?". Community is degraded. When you run out of the product you are using, you cannot pick it up anytime like buying things from the local shop. The product has to be purchased from the warehouse and a minimum amount of purchase is required. The warehouse is only open during office hours and you have to get the queue ticket. Even if your upline keeps some inventory, you still cannot walk into his house anytime to get the product like you can by walking into a shop.
If you have work experience in a corporate company, you can do MLM. But on the contrary if you have experience in MLM, you cannot work in a corporate company.
If people that the society needs (for example farmers and paramedics) join MLM, the society will be in chaos.
MLM does not require you to have special skill, to be young, to be strong or to be highly educated, but just requires you to have
a) purchasing power
b) friends
c) perseverance (in other word, cheekiness)
In fact, there is a secret system in place to push up for example a few doctors, disabled citizens and senior citizens for publicity purpose. If you are just a normal person, it is going to be harder for you. To become a member there is a fee for the cost of the starter kit and monthly publication. You cannot join the system if you have no money at all. That means it is only suitable for people who already have income. The system suggests the possibility of wealth but there is nothing to make you survive your daily life in the beginning. This is different from being employed where no wealth is suggested but you have a steady pay check to live on. The company may call you a business owner. But are you setting the company policy? Are you handling the public relation? Are you facilitating the supply chain? Do you forecast market capacity and manufacture the product in an acceptable quantity? Will ALL the profits go to you? When you consume a product, you are helping your upline's uplines whom you may not even know (even if you know them, they do not know you). I think you are more like a donator in MLM. Perhaps MLM is not for selfish people after all, hehe. For me if I want to join it, I will want to be attached directly to the company because I want to modify my own system. Of course they shall not allow this to happen although they call it a franchise. Is it not that franchise is supposed to connect directly to the company? Your upline will want you to decline even the not-so-often invitation to other social activity if it clashes with the regular MLM meeting. This is because they are afraid that you are deprogrammed.
It is well-known that they are not time-conscious. Their 'one hour' is actually two hours. Punctuality is always compromised. It is quite amazing to me that EVERY MLM has this 'timeless' culture. If a member wants to distribute product catalogue, he or she has to bear the cost of the catalogue. Isn't it absurd that you pay for their marketing material in order for you to market their product? All MLM companies sell health products. But we do not need those products anyway if we live a healthy lifestyle. And our personal medical knowledge today is so poor. Our ancestors knew what to do when they were sick. It is better to spread such education instead.
I feel uncomfortable to be talked into buying or joining something because even when I do not like the conversation I feel it is impolite to just jam it. I think ad or brochure works on me because it does not give me pressure as I can stop reading it anytime. Also I like to be surrounded with goods that I can take my time to check and pick my choice. Is anybody not like me? While they believe they are helping their friends, their friends feels being haunted instead. MLM is usually a sensitive topic and you cannot talk about it in a formal occasion. Most of your friends will run away from you if you are an enthusiastic MLM member that talks about MLM all the time. They will not even picking up your call. It is even worse if you think that being straightforward does not work and you start masking what you say. Your friends will detect that manipulative act. I always 'talk' about MLM too, but my friends do not avoid me.
MLM motivates members to aim for ideal duplication. Let's say a company recruits 5 members in a month, then the 5 recruit 25 in the next month, 25 recruit 125 in the month after and so on, then after one year 244,140,625, equivalent to the population size of a country, will be in the MLM and there will be no further market for the members in the lower level in that country. When you tell them this figure, they will say that the real duplication will not be ideal. This is in conflict with what they aim for. So they already know that it is not going to be ideal and even it is ideal it is not economically good but they still aim for the ideal? This makes me bewildered just to reason it. No matter they can duplicate (or clone) ideally or not, only a few members will succeed. "Many Lose Money".
The sidelines are basically your competitor and will not help you in anything because they have their own downline to take care of. The lower the layer you are in, the more competitors you have. Let's say the first layer has five people. If you are at the first layer, you need to compete with other four to get new members. If you are at the 12th layer, you will have 244,140,624 competitors! Of course they will not tell you which level you are in. Sidelines do indirectly help each other:
a) when attending a huge rally: the scene of big crowd of people will be a powerful brainwasher for newcomers.
b) by letting newcomers know them. The more members that the newcomers know, the stronger the sense of belonging to the group.
As you can see above, MLM does not even consider about market saturation. Genuine franchise companies will do market analysis for a town that already has their franchise outlet when they receive a new franchise application. If they know that the market in the town is already saturated, then will reject the application. Two McDonald restaurants in a small town will finally die together.
I personally see there are three groups of members in the system:
a) members who pay for the product they consume
b) members who need not pay for the product they consume (income enough to cover product's price)
c) members whom the company has to pay handsomely
If members succeed so easily, the company will die. The system is closely observed and delicately tweaked so that the ratio of b and c is minimum (but of course greater than zero, haha). Although the more people joining and staying in the system, the more people will be eligible to be in higher position but that also means that one needs to compete with more members and to be extra hardworking to stand out. It is worse if the number of people in the system does not increase because that means nobody can go up at all due to the stagnant number of available positions.
When someone joins MLM, I can say that his or her whole family joins MLM because that family will no longer be open to deal with outsiders in MLM. So if every family joins MLM, the last family that joins in will not have the opportunity to earn money because there is no MLM-free family outside anymore. Everyone on the street (including kids who will grow up one day) will rather want to deal with his or her own family member in MLM.
There are new MLM companies coming out every year. Despite of the uncertain future of a new company, they assert that they have big space for growth compared to existing MLM companies and they invite you to grow with them as pioneers. And everyone of them will say that their MLM is different. Yeah, right.
How pyramid schemes usually exploit loophole in the law to be stamped as a legitimate MLM:
a) Create a phantom company that acts as a simple and unsuspicious middleman to deal with the local authority. This phantom company can be closed down anytime by the pyramid scheme.
b) Sell goods only to uplines and let uplines deal with downlines. From legal point of view it is just a simple trading with uplines and there seems to be nothing wrong. In other words, the company is not liable with the deal (so called franchise) between uplines and downlines....Regardless of the common undesirability that exists even in legitimate MLM, if you do succeed in the system, you may earn a decent living (but do not think about the villa or sports car) as long as the company stands. The work pressure becomes lesser with ranking raise (with solid foundation), which is different from corporate world where the work pressure becomes greater with career advancement. And doing MLM is at least better than loitering around. But it is not going to be quick and easy in the beginning. And it is pretty hard for an individual to determine whether an MLM company is legal or not. Even the authority can make a mistake in stamping the legality or the company knows to utilize the loophole in law. And even the company is legal, it does not mean it operates ethically (wealth should come from value). If reading until this point you still really want to join an MLM company, I have criteria that you can scrutinize against for both existing and new MLM companies to see if there is something fishy about them.
Company criteria
1) They will fully refund the fee for the starter kit quickly if you want to pull out anytime. And the price of the starter kit is not expensive.
2) The product
a) is of the the type that you are using. It just has different brand. Nobody likes to be persuaded into using product that he or she is currently not using.
b) is researched and produced by the company itself. It is not selling other other company's product. The product is unique and cannot be bought somewhere else.
c) has full and QUICK money-back guarantee. Some can refund but you have to wait for a very long time.
d) must pass your own verification with the mentioned accreditation body (for example by checking in the official website of the body) if the product is claimed to have certain award or certification.
e) is not claimed to appreciate overtime or to be able to be speculated. You will discover that they do not want to buy it if you remise it.
3) The sales points will not accumulate. This is to ensure that you have a network that has solid foundation before you move up a ranking. It is meaningless to move up the ranking from the accumulated points of just using the product yourself alone. Such ranking is just a name.
4) The company is listed in stock exchange. That minimizes the chance that it is an illegal company.
Network criteria
The reason I write these criteria in addition to the company criteria is individual network under the same company may work differently. Some networks operate like a pyramid scheme although the company is not.
1) You are not duped into their meeting. Something like they do not tell you beforehand what company organizing the meeting. False pretexts or a strange lack of information.
2) They do not tell that you do not have to sell anything. For me even getting people to self-use the product is a type of selling too. They should not twist this around.
3) They do not put you under under a person that you do not know instead of your friend who introduces you into the network. Remember this is people's business that is based on relationship. It should not be bound by mechanical policy. New recruits are not pawns on the chessboard. Plus it is not that fair for people who have got in more recruits.
4) Before you sign up, they do not ask you to keep it a secret. Pyramid scheme definitely does not want a potential prospect to consult friends and family on the matter of signing up.
5) It does not suggest to you to give them big money. Something is just not right if someone says you give big money to the company and you will earn money. They may say that it is an investment but it is not. Of course starting a business needs fund but it is not the same with MLM because nobody persuades you to start it and you yourself scout around to pay the relevant parties to facilitate the business that you own 100%.
6) It does not suggest any option of stocking up products (for the purpose of moving up a rank etc). You buy only when you need it. From economy point of view, if everyone stocks up product, the market will saturate and the price of the product will decrease. Decent system will focus on natural repetitive sale.
7) They do not have college students. College students are young people whose judgment is still not strong. They can be easily influenced even the system is not right. If they have many college students you can say that there is something wrong with the system and they cannot pull older people with better judgment along. Plus it is an ethical issue to get students into MLM as it distracts their study.
8) It does not have so-called time-limited offer which urges you to sign up quickly, say on that day itself. Take note that signing up does not mean you can get big money in return straightaway.
9) It does not ask you to make risky change of lifestyle. Examples are stopping monthly loan payment, quitting job, buying luxurious stuff (to dupe prospects you are doing well with MLM) or borrowing money (even from loan shark) to 'invest' in it. And it does not make you so occupied that you lose your job. For example they may purposely have meeting until midnight (Marketing in Late Midnight or in Malay language "Meniaga Larut Malam") that you do not have enough sleep and your work performance the next day goes down. Or they want you to talk about them to your colleagues during work time.
10) They do not suggest you to stay away from Internet. Pyramid scheme is extensively exposed and discussed in the Internet.
11) The system for the lowest level should be in such a way that even if you do not move up a level, you will not lose anything but just consume the product that you need anyway accordingly. They must not suggest to you on buying books, audio/video material and seminar seat from them. I personally see that new members are asset to the system so they should be well taken care of, not be sucked dry.
So, basically the difference between pyramid scheme and MLM is pyramid scheme urges you to pay big money (to buy in big inventory etc) but MLM wants you to use their products as needed (of course the more the merrier). And the basic similarity between them is you are required to pitch the people you know to do the same thing you do.
My advice is do not suddenly call the people whom you do not contact for a long time to talk about your MLM or to sell products. Many will be mad at you. After all, MLM is more suitable for people who constantly hang out with all friends.
If you are already an active member who has recruited many friends, even though after reading this article you feel you are in the wrong boat (in terms of company, system or MLM itself), MLM is designed so that you cannot just jump out due to self-esteem since you have proclaimed to many friends that it is good.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Multi-Level Marketing
MLM is essentially any business where payouts occur at two or more levels. For instance, if you make a sale, both you and the person who recruited you will get a portion of the proceeds. This is the most commonly used term partly because its definition fits within the legal restrictions for this type of business.
Network Marketing
Network Marketing means that a distributor network is needed to build the business. Usually such businesses are also MLM in nature in that payouts also occur at more than one level. The term Network Marketing is sometimes also incorrectly used to indicate that the business uses a network of product suppliers in order to offer a broader selection of products. Businesses that describe themselves this way are usually trying to differentiate themselves, suggesting that their program is superior to other programs.
Consumer Direct Marketing
Consumer Direct Marketing is a deceptive term that labels the distribution chain as consumers rather than distributors. In such businesses the distributor must also buy the product for their personal use.
Seller Assisted Marketing
Seller Assisted Marketing Plans is a term used by California law to describe a variety of business forms which include MLM. A minimum $500 investment must be involved to qualify as a Seller Assisted Marketing Plan.
While no one really makes the millions promised by so many of the scams, many people find a very satisfying career in some of the multi-level marketing ventures. With the right company, you may find like-minded colleagues who are pursuing similar goals. In some ways, it can be the best of all worlds -- no boss, but a good social network and a job where hard work pays off. However, don't leap without looking carefully. There are also deep shoals that can draw you in over your head rapidly. If you tiptoe into the water carefully, checking that you have firm footing all the way, you will find yourself swimming happily into entrepreneurship.
MLM is essentially any business where payouts occur at two or more levels. For instance, if you make a sale, both you and the person who recruited you will get a portion of the proceeds. This is the most commonly used term partly because its definition fits within the legal restrictions for this type of business.
Network Marketing
Network Marketing means that a distributor network is needed to build the business. Usually such businesses are also MLM in nature in that payouts also occur at more than one level. The term Network Marketing is sometimes also incorrectly used to indicate that the business uses a network of product suppliers in order to offer a broader selection of products. Businesses that describe themselves this way are usually trying to differentiate themselves, suggesting that their program is superior to other programs.
Consumer Direct Marketing
Consumer Direct Marketing is a deceptive term that labels the distribution chain as consumers rather than distributors. In such businesses the distributor must also buy the product for their personal use.
Seller Assisted Marketing
Seller Assisted Marketing Plans is a term used by California law to describe a variety of business forms which include MLM. A minimum $500 investment must be involved to qualify as a Seller Assisted Marketing Plan.
While no one really makes the millions promised by so many of the scams, many people find a very satisfying career in some of the multi-level marketing ventures. With the right company, you may find like-minded colleagues who are pursuing similar goals. In some ways, it can be the best of all worlds -- no boss, but a good social network and a job where hard work pays off. However, don't leap without looking carefully. There are also deep shoals that can draw you in over your head rapidly. If you tiptoe into the water carefully, checking that you have firm footing all the way, you will find yourself swimming happily into entrepreneurship.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Info-MLM Business
Salam and Good Evening.
Business MLM have a many type example:
You know..a business MLM no need a big capital for starting in business..If you have RM 50 you can start a business. It is very easy, fast and cheap..
Business MLM have a many type example:
You know..a business MLM no need a big capital for starting in business..If you have RM 50 you can start a business. It is very easy, fast and cheap..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My Opinion About MLM
MLM is one of the business using the pyramid system. MLM also popular among career women and housewife else well. MLM given the best income for the people who are inspired. In this business, the are not bind to the working hour. They also must have good rapport and networking among them to archive succed in their business in the future.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Say Something
Today...i try make something a contribute version to invite members team for discussion in fine...i hope you all can accept invite from getunique blog from email and all must register google account to active and result u can see your name at contribute column. i very happy ...i have solve a problem...and thanks a lot for Mrs K to learning and guide me for that. Tq
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Designd And Work-Flow of MLM
Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called network marketing is a term that describes a marketing structure used by some companies as part of their overall marketing strategy.
The structure is designed to create a marketing and sales force by compensating promoters of company products not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of other promoters they introduce to the company, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation in the form of a pyramid.
The products and company are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing.
Criticism of MLM
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a decision, In re Amway Corp., in 1979 in which it indicated that multi-level marketing was not illegal per se in the United States. However, Amway was found guilty of price fixing (by requiring "independent" distributors to sell at the low price) and making exaggerated income claims.
The FTC advises that multi-level marketing organizations with greater incentives for recruitment than product sales are to be viewed skeptically. The FTC also warns that the practice of getting commissions from recruiting new members is outlawed in most states as "pyramiding". In April 2006, it proposed a Business Opportunity Rule intended to require all sellers of business opportunities—including MLMs—to provide enough information to enable prospective buyers to make an informed decision about their probability of earning money.
In March 2008, the FTC removed Network Marketing (MLM) companies from the proposed Business Opportunity Rule:
The revised proposal, however, would not reach multi-level marketing companies or certain companies that may have been swept inadvertently into scope of the April 2006 proposal.
Another criticism of MLMs is that "MLM organizations have been described by some as cults (Butterfield, 1985), pyramid schemes (Fitzpatrick & Reynolds, 1997), or organizations rife with misleading, deceptive, and unethical behavior (Carter, 1999), such as the questionable use of evangelical discourse to promote the business (Hopfl & Maddrell, 1996), and the exploitation of personal relationships for financial gain (Fitzpatrick & Reynolds, 1997)."
MLM's are also criticized for being unable to fulfill their promises for the majority of participants due to basic conflicts with Western culture. There are even claims that the success rate for breaking even or even making money are far worse than other types of businesses "The vast majority of MLM’s are recruiting MLM’s, in which participants must recruit aggressively to profit. Based on available data from the companies themselves, the loss rate for recruiting MLM’s is approximately 99.9%; i.e., 99.9% of participants lose money after subtracting all expenses, including purchases from the company." In part, this is because encouraging recruits to further "recruit people to compete with [them]" leads to "market saturation."
Similar claims regarding profits have been stated by The Times ("The Government investigation claims to have revealed that just 10 per cent of Amway’s agents in Britain make any profit, with less than one in ten selling a single item of the group’s products.", high level "Emerald" Amway member Scheibeler ("UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO [Independent Business Owners] population of 33,000, 'only about 90 made sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business.' That's a 99.7 percent loss rate for investors." (case referred to is BERR vs Amway (Case No: 2651, 2652 and 2653 of 2007) which does list this as one of the points of objectionability: "c) because of the requirement that an IBO pay a joining and renewal fee and the likelihood that an IBO would purchase BSM there was a certainty that the Amway business would cause a loss to a large number of people (to the extent that out of an IBO population which exceeded 33,000 only building their business).") and Newsweek (where it is stated based on MonaVie's own 2007 income disclosure statement "fewer than 1 percent qualified for commissions and of those, only 10 percent made more than $100 a week.)"
"While earning potential varies by company and sales ability, DSA says the median annual income for those in direct sales is $2,400."
The structure is designed to create a marketing and sales force by compensating promoters of company products not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of other promoters they introduce to the company, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation in the form of a pyramid.
The products and company are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing.
Criticism of MLM
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a decision, In re Amway Corp., in 1979 in which it indicated that multi-level marketing was not illegal per se in the United States. However, Amway was found guilty of price fixing (by requiring "independent" distributors to sell at the low price) and making exaggerated income claims.
The FTC advises that multi-level marketing organizations with greater incentives for recruitment than product sales are to be viewed skeptically. The FTC also warns that the practice of getting commissions from recruiting new members is outlawed in most states as "pyramiding". In April 2006, it proposed a Business Opportunity Rule intended to require all sellers of business opportunities—including MLMs—to provide enough information to enable prospective buyers to make an informed decision about their probability of earning money.
In March 2008, the FTC removed Network Marketing (MLM) companies from the proposed Business Opportunity Rule:
The revised proposal, however, would not reach multi-level marketing companies or certain companies that may have been swept inadvertently into scope of the April 2006 proposal.
Another criticism of MLMs is that "MLM organizations have been described by some as cults (Butterfield, 1985), pyramid schemes (Fitzpatrick & Reynolds, 1997), or organizations rife with misleading, deceptive, and unethical behavior (Carter, 1999), such as the questionable use of evangelical discourse to promote the business (Hopfl & Maddrell, 1996), and the exploitation of personal relationships for financial gain (Fitzpatrick & Reynolds, 1997)."
MLM's are also criticized for being unable to fulfill their promises for the majority of participants due to basic conflicts with Western culture. There are even claims that the success rate for breaking even or even making money are far worse than other types of businesses "The vast majority of MLM’s are recruiting MLM’s, in which participants must recruit aggressively to profit. Based on available data from the companies themselves, the loss rate for recruiting MLM’s is approximately 99.9%; i.e., 99.9% of participants lose money after subtracting all expenses, including purchases from the company." In part, this is because encouraging recruits to further "recruit people to compete with [them]" leads to "market saturation."
Similar claims regarding profits have been stated by The Times ("The Government investigation claims to have revealed that just 10 per cent of Amway’s agents in Britain make any profit, with less than one in ten selling a single item of the group’s products.", high level "Emerald" Amway member Scheibeler ("UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO [Independent Business Owners] population of 33,000, 'only about 90 made sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business.' That's a 99.7 percent loss rate for investors." (case referred to is BERR vs Amway (Case No: 2651, 2652 and 2653 of 2007) which does list this as one of the points of objectionability: "c) because of the requirement that an IBO pay a joining and renewal fee and the likelihood that an IBO would purchase BSM there was a certainty that the Amway business would cause a loss to a large number of people (to the extent that out of an IBO population which exceeded 33,000 only building their business).") and Newsweek (where it is stated based on MonaVie's own 2007 income disclosure statement "fewer than 1 percent qualified for commissions and of those, only 10 percent made more than $100 a week.)"
"While earning potential varies by company and sales ability, DSA says the median annual income for those in direct sales is $2,400."
Topic to discuss and all friends agree to prepare for the paper project is
Site Income Business -MLM (Multi Level Marketing)
1) to find more income
2) No enough money/salary
3) high maintenance of life
4) to get a better of life
5) flexsible job
1) to find out how relevant MLM business on mean time
2) why people choose MLM business
3) what is the effect to the country
1) what is the MLM business
2) what are the positive and benefits
3) negative or effect business
4) what is the future of MLM business
Main Points:
1) multi level marketing
2) Positive
- everybody can join
- flexsibltime
- no basic education needed
3) negative
- illegal system in the business
- no fixed income
- based on own effort
Provent have more salary/money have a better life
Friday, September 25, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
hye!! its me Cyda

Salam....hello r u 2day?hope everything will be in order...1stly im gonna 2 apologize 4 the late entry from me,huhu...damn! streamyx in my area cant get the signal from the cabel so that i cannot access the internet services...sorry!!! but thank God today,im here :)
Ok let me introduce the youngest 1 in this getunique name is Shadatul Sheeda Ismail a.k.a Cyda :) im 23 years old and live @ Ampunk wif my lovly family...i am simple person and im enjoy myself very nice 2 meetin' u guys :) keep in touch ya...
p/s : Salam to our Madam Rozmel :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My suggest topic is about Latest Fashion of Tudung.

salam to all nice friends, I preffer to discuss about Latest Fashion Of Tudung. We all almost know that the latest is from Boutique Arianni and they also said `Tudung Ekin` which is model this product. The tudung is beautiful, nice design and also easy to wear. New realese tudung ekin, is the one who did not love to wear tudung, can be want to wear it. They is suitable in this era. Some people said, the design is from Indonesia and said `tudung bibik`. What ever people want saying about this tudung, is up of their opinion. As a matter of fact, the tudung is near in mind of every women in Malaysia.
Hai Guess!!
Today i want suggest something about getunique09 a project paper.
I proposed project topic is the illegal problem in Malaysia.
I think this topic is good for discussion. Maybe....
I have something to share with u all this topic.
The illegals come from many state examples Bangladesh, Indonesia, Africa, Kemboja, Vietnam etc.
Main Points: They have to given big effect in Malaysia. The impact was
i. Crime Problem
ii.Limited job for local citizen
iii. Competition to get health services
iv.National fund exchange to overseas increase
v.The illegals culture do not respect local culture arise cultural conflict
The goverment Malaysia need to tackling this problem.
Sorry members i not writing very well but i try do the best. Any comment or correction to the topic u all can post it. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Salam 2 all my friends..

May i Introduce about myself? Permission is the magic word of sopan santun..He3. K,i dont want to take a time all of u. I`m Nor Saza or u can call me `Saza`, i`m working at Putrajaya as a... well i guess u all know who i`m. I hope we can be friends forever. Last but not leave may god bless u all forever n ever.
Monday, September 7, 2009
My name is Mazlina. I live at Putrajaya. I'm from political science student. U all can call me 'MAZzzzzzz'
I hope a relationship with you all can forever. I hope I can see you all again the next meeting. Good night and have a sweet dream. Bye...
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